
Anatomico Organic Coratina Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 500 ml, for $5.99

$5.99 $29.99 Olive Oil
$5.99 $29.99 Olive Oil

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Amazon has a great price on Anatomico Organic Coratina Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 500 ml, for $5.99. You need to manually apply an 80% off coupon. At the checkout page under “payment method” add the coupon code 80ANATOMICO.

Anatomico Organic Coratina Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • DELECTABLE TASTE: Our olive oil is characterized by its fruity notes of green olives followed by hints of freshly cut grass and almonds. It offers a savory palate of both bitter and slightly spicy.
  • CAREFULLY CRAFTED: Anatomico olives are pressed using traditional large granite stone mills that rotate slowly and with extreme delicacy. These mills squeeze the olives until they’re a flavorful oil.
  • MADE IN ITALY: The fertile region of Puglia is home to over 60 million olive trees and is where we harvest all of our olives. This bottle of organic olive oil was pressed fresh straight from Italy.
  • HEALTHY OLIVE OIL: Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats like omega-6 and omega-3. These properties have been known to help lower the risk of heart disease.
  • A DELICIOUS DINNER: Cooking with Anatomico olive oil adds a distinct bitter flavor to your entrées. You can use it for dressing, garlic bread, salad, cooking, and more.

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