
Tolerant Organic Red Lentil Pilaf (Many Flavors on Sale), 6 Pack, for $17.96

$17.96 $29.94 Amazon
$17.96 $29.94 Amazon

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Amazon has a great coupon stacking deal onTolerant Organic Red Lentil Pilaf, 6 Pack, for $17.96. Clip the 20% off coupon and then at the checkout page under “Payment Method” add the code 20TOLORGANIC to get an additional 20% off.

Tolerant Organic Wild Mushroom Red Lentil
  • RED LENTILS: Delicious taste and texture—Tolerant Pilaf looks and tastes just like traditional rice, but adds variety to your daily diet by delivering the goodness of legumes
  • CONVENIENCE: With perfectly riced red lentils and delicious herbs in one pouch, cooking this item in one pot on the stove top couldn’t be easier!
  • FREE FROM MAJOR ALLERGENS: Tolerant Organic Red Lentil Pilaf is certified gluten-free, contains no soy, eggs or dairy—as manufacturer and official seller, we ensure our products are produced in a dedicated gluten-free and major allergen free environment
  • FOR A HEALTHY DIET: 25 Net Carbs, 11 grams of Fiber and 25 grams of Plant-Based Protein are what you get with one serving of Tolerant Red Lentil Pilaf

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