Disclosure Policy

This blog was started to provide great deals on healthy products and products that have a lower environmental impact. Some of the terms that we use and are used in product marketing are regulated by the FDA or USDA, others are not.

The term gluten-free is regulated by the FDA, but using the term does allow for some gluten to be in the product. The USDA regulates the use of the term organic and the regulations do allow some products labeled organic to not be 100% organic. The term natural is not regulated by either the FDA or USDA. It can mean different things and to different people. The terms kosher, vegan, dairy-free, and paleo are not regulated by the FDA or USDA.

We try to label the deals correctly according to the manufacturer’s label and marketing. Just because a deal is under a certain category does not mean that the manufacturer claims that the product is that category. We strive to label all deals correctly, but manufacturers do change their claims and products can be labeled under a category incorrectly. Please verify any claim about a product, manufacturer, service, price, dietary category, service with the manufacturer or party in question.

We try to post deals on eco-friendly, non-toxic, natural, environmentally friendly, low-impact, organic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, paleo, kosher, keto, and non-GMO products. We will occasionally post deals that are outside of these topics.

This blog is part of affiliate programs where we may receive compensation for clicking through a link. We also accept other types of compensation including, but not limited to advertising, sponsorships, and paid insertions. The compensation may influence the content of this blog. We strive to mark compensated content as such, but all advertising space may not always be identified as sponsored or paid.

The views that are expressed by this blog are the blogger’s own.

If you have questions about this disclosure policy, the practices of or dealings with this site, please contact us at naturalorganicdeals.com.

This document was last updated on March 1, 2020.

About Natural & Organic Deals

Natural & Organic Deals started as a way to share the best deals online. We find the best deals on natural, organic, vegan, gluten-free, kosher, and healthy products by using price trackers and daily searches and share them with you. If you click through our links we may make a small profit which allows the site to continue to run.

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We have financial relationships with some of the products and services found on this website, we may be compensated if you choose to utilize any of these links when applying. We will only recommend the products that we believe are the best fit for you, the consumer. If you know of a better deal, or disagree with our reasoning please contact us and if appropriate changes will be made.

Natural & Organic Deals is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

© All content copyright Natural & Organic Deals LLC 2020

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