ECOS Dishwashing Liquid, Natural Almond, 25 Ounce (Pack of 3) for $7.00
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Amazon has ECOS Dishwashing Liquid, Natural Almond, 25 Ounce (Pack of 3) for $7.00. This was $11.58 before the prices started to drop. If you are an Amazon Prime member you can select No-Rush Shipping and get $1.50 digital credit. The retail price of a single bottle is $4.99. You can often get them for $3-$4.50 on sale at a grocery store.
- Tough on grease and food residue, gentle on hands
- A little goes a long way with our concentrated formula
- Dermatologist-tested hypoallergenic; pH-balanced
- Made with plant-powered ingredients
- Made without dyes, parabens, phosphates or phthalates
- U.S. EPA Safer Choice Certified for safety and effectiveness