How to Find Deals on Amazon?
There are many ways to find deals on Amazon products. Running a deal website, I am very familiar with trying to find deals on Amazon. Most of the ways that I find deals on Amazon you can use to find your own deals
Coupons and Discounts
Using coupons is one way to find deals on Amazon and a lot of the deals that I post involve coupons. Unfortunately, Amazon does not make it easy to find all of the coupons that are available in one place. There are four types of coupons on Amazon and each involves a different strategy to find.
Searchable Coupons
The easiest coupons to find on Amazon are coupons that are available under the Amazon Coupons tab. The coupons are either a flat discount or a percentage discount. These discounts appear as a green box that needs to be checked on the top of the price on the product page
You can search these coupons by keyword or product by using the search tab in the upper right-hand corner of the page. I occasionally use the search, but since I don’t know what product I am looking for it is not always the best method

The method that I use most frequently in the Amazon Coupons tab is to click a category on the left-hand side of the screen. These discounts are typically either a percentage or a flat discount. You can then change the sort method to sort by Discount Percentage.

This might seem like a foolproof way to find coupons, but unfortunately, Amazon does not make it easy. Even though they have a sort by discount percentage tab it does not truly sort all the coupons by discount percentage. The results are frequently different each time you sort it, and it does group discounts together. You will often find large discounts below items with a lower discount.
Even though it is not perfect, I probably find about 1/3 of my deals this way. One frustrating thing with the Amazon Coupon tab, in addition to the sorting by the discount percentage not truly sorting by the discount percentage, is that Amazon does not put all of the”green box” coupons that are available in this tab. This means that there are many coupons that look like they should be searchable and able to be found by the discount percentage that are not.
Non-Searchable Coupons
These are simply “green box” coupons that are not searchable and do not show up in the Amazon Coupon tab. There is no secret in finding these coupons, you just have to see them while looking for products. I sometimes post deals that include non-searchable coupons, but they are harder to find.
Amazon Associate Promo Codes
Amazon associate promo codes are coupon codes that need to manually be applied at the checkout page. These codes almost always apply to items that are sold by third parties on Amazon and not by Amazon directly. Unfortunately, these codes are not available to the general public. The majority of deals that I post that include a coupon code that needs to be manually applied are Amazon associate promo codes.

Special Offers and Promotions
The special offers and promotions tab is located near the bottom of a product’s page. Most products do not have any codes under this section, but some products do. Most products that have discount codes under this section are sold by third parties and not Amazon directly.

There are a few types of offers under the special offers and promotions tab.
- Discounts that automatically apply
- Coupon codes that need to manually be entered at the checkout page
- Discounts that you need to check the box for them to apply, but do not need to enter the code
- Discounts that involve purchasing multiple products
These discounts can be difficult to find because you need to go into the product page and look for them. I have gotten in the habit of checking this section of a product page every time that I am in one, just in case it is one of the products that have an offer in this section.
Price Drops
Many of the deals on Amazon do not involve special codes or coupons. Many are just low prices. Most products on Amazon have dynamic pricing and I have even seen the price on a product change 10+ times in a single day. You can set price alerts on sites like CamelCamelCamel to alert you when a price gets below a certain level. I currently have several thousand price alerts set on natural and organic products and over half of my deals come from price alerts.
A good strategy for setting price alerts is that products that have had their prices drop once to a low price are more likely to drop their price again. If you have found a good deal or missed a good deal and are interested in the product in the future, set an alert on it in case the price drops again.
How to Find Deals on Amazon Overview
Finding deals on Amazon can involve a little time and effort, but it is a huge site that always has some deals available. Some of the methods involve a lot of luck and other deals on Amazon find themselves using price alerts. What is your favorite method to find deals on Amazon? Make sure that you check out our current deals.