Organic Cherie Sweet Heart Matcha Powder, 16 ounces, $14.39
Cherie Sweet Heart has 16 ounces of Organic March Powder for $14.39 after a 10% off coupon and free shipping. Use the coupon code TENOFF at the checkout page. The same product is available for $15.99 from Amazon.

There are two main grades of matcha, ceremonial and culinary. Culinary grade is further broken down into five grades. This matcha is grown in China and it does not list the specific grade. It does list that it is “premium matcha” and one of the grades of culinary match is “premium grade.” Even though “premium grade” is the highest grade of culinary matcha, I would be surprised at this price point if this was actually “premium grade” matcha.
I think that this matcha would be really good blended with food and dairy. I do not think that it is the best matcha if you are a matcha aficionado and enjoy drinking matcha straight. It is rare that you can find any matcha this cheap, ~$0.90 per ounce.
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