
100 Barbera Organic Nespresso Compatible Compostable Coffee Capsules for $7.58-$13.28

$7.58-$13.28 $37.95 Amazon Coffee
$7.58-$13.28 $37.95 Amazon Coffee

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Amazon has an Amazing coupon stacking opportunity to get 100 Barbera Organic Nespresso Compatible Compostable Coffee Capsules for $7.58-$13.28. This normally sells for $37.95. A 30% coupon is automatically added and at the checkout screen under “Payment Method” add the code 353AXPSI. Doing this brings the price to $13.28. If you use Amazon Subscribe and Save you can save an additional 10-15%. These additional savings are based on the $37.95 list price so they bring the price to $7.58-$9.48. This is a case where I would use Amazon Subscribe and Save, set the delivery frequency to 6 months, and cancel after the first shipment ships. Read all about how to take advantage of Amazon Subscribe and Save.

Many of the other flavors and pack sizes are also available with both coupons.

Barbera Organic Nespresso Compatibl Compostable Coffee Capsules
  • The “Bio” capsule compatible with Nespresso Original Line coffee machine contains a blend of coffees, both Arabica and Robusta, which come from organic cultivation where only natural cultivation methods are adopted, respecting the eco-system, and health and safety of farmers. In addition, the coffees used have all obtained Fairtrade certification.
  • It is characterized by an intense aroma, rich pleasant notes . The particular grinding used results in a true espresso with abundant crema.
  • “Bio”capsules are packed in self-protecting capsules which do not need any additional covering as they have an insulating layer which guarantees excellent preservation of ground coffee thanks to a true ‘barrier effect’, which protects the coffee from oxidation, humidity and light for at least 24 months, with reduced environmental impact.
  • Authentic italian espresso, packed in single severing capsules.

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