3 Liters of ATLAS Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil for $39.95
This is not a typical deal for this blog. This is not the cheapest organic olive oil that you can buy. Pompeian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Costco Organic Olive Oil are good options if you are just going by the price. I do not only purchase organic products, but I try to purchase certain products organic, and oil is one of those products. Most of the pesticides applied to olive trees are oil-based and since olive oil is of course an oil, it can contain higher levels of pesticides.
I like good and fresh olive oil and ATLAS Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil does fit the bill. I purchased mine in May 2020 (seller GIT USA) and it was bottled in March 2020. Many of the olive oils that I have found on Amazon are the previous season’s harvest. Different sellers could be shipping different vintages of this oil, GIT USA was the Amazon seller of mine.

The olive oil is a hazy gold color and is lighter in color than many olive oils. The flavor is light and spicy, reminding me of black pepper, with a solid olive oil taste to back it up. It is very good olive oil for the price point. Compared to the two “cheap” organic olive oils I listed above, ATLAS Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is less bold and more nuanced. It has a lot more “spice” to the flavor. You can definitely taste the difference if you are dipping bread in the oil. I think that you can taste the difference if you are using it as a base for a pesto. I often cannot taste a difference between grilling vegetables in high-quality olive oil and “regular” olive oil.
ATLAS Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil was selling for $43.95 before the price started to drop. Currently, it is ~$13 per liter and I think that you are getting a very high-quality olive oil for the price. I have tried to find this oil cheaper other places online and have not been able to. If you have a favorite high-quality organic olive oil, please leave it in the comments.