Better Body Foods Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, 1.5 lbs, for $2.86-$3.36
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Amazon has a great price on Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, 1.5 lbs, for $2.86-$3.36. It is $3.36 without Amazon Subscribe and Save, using it brings the price to $2.86-$3.17.
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- REFINED SUGAR ALTERNATIVE: Organic Coconut Sugar makes an excellent 1 to 1 ratio (spoon-for-spoon) replacement to refined white sugar. That means it’s easy to switch out white sugar or artificial sweeteners for BetterBody Foods Organic Coconut Sugar in simple meals and gourmet recipes! The possibilities are endless.
- LOW ON THE GLYCEMIC INDEX: BetterBody Foods’ Organic Coconut Sugar is naturally low on the glycemic index. This means that it doesn’t raise your blood sugar as quickly as refined sugars do, so you can have the sweetness of sugar in naturally sweet coconut sugar without the associated insulin spike. Our Organic Coconut Sugar is USDA organic certified, gluten-free, non-GMO, kosher.
- MILD CARAMEL FLAVOR: Organic Coconut Sugar from BetterBody Foods is naturally flavored and has a subtle caramel-like taste that offers a unique variation from refined sugars. It is comparable to brown and cane sugar in taste. It is delicious in your morning cup of coffee or tea, or in your bowl of oatmeal or cereal.
- UNREFINED FOR BAKING & COOKING: Having traveled the world to find the best food, we found the perfect sweetener for all of your cooking and baking needs. Cookies, cakes, muffins, brownies, pancakes, and many other foods can be sweetened with our premium Organic Coconut Palm Sugar for a better alternative to granulated sugar.
- NATURAL COCONUT SWEETENER: Our Organic Coconut Palm Sugar is derived from the nectar of flowers that grow on coconut trees. Because it is organic, it is able to retain many of the nutrients that other coconut products contain. This unrefined sweetener option will help you tame your sweet tooth without feeling guilty.