Garden of Life Keto Meal Balanced Chocolate Shake for $14.33-$20.47
Garden of Life Keto Meal Balanced Chocolate Shake is available for a great price from Amazon for $14.33-$20.47. There is a 50% coupon and you can save an additional 5%-15% by using Amazon Subscribe and Save. Our Amazon Subscribe and Save article goes into detail about how to get the discounts, but only get the product one.
Garden of Life Keto Meal Balanced Chocolate Shake is designed as a meal replacement shake. It contains 70% fat, 23% protein, and 7% carbohydrates. The fat is sourced from organic butter with CLA and MCT. The protein is sourced from grass-fed whey protein. Garden of Life Keto Meal Balanced Chocolate Shake is certified non-GMO, gluten-free, keto, and is paleo-friendly. The protein and fat in the meal replacement shake are derived from dairy so it is not vegan or dairy-free. It is not organic, but they do label specific ingredients as being organic. In order for Garden of Life to list specific ingredients as organic, the total product must at least be 70% organic, normal organic labeling requires 95%.