Steens Manuka Honey, UMF 10+, 12 Ounce, for $9.99-$12.49
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Amazon has a great price on Steens Manuka Honey, UMF 10, 12 Ounce, for $9.99-$12.49. You need to manually add the coupon code 50Sampling 50Tasting under “Payment Method” at the checkout page. It is $12.49 without Amazon Subscribe and Save. Using Amazon Subscribe and Save brings the price down to $9.99-$11.24. Our Subscribe and Save article goes into detail about how to get the most out of the programs.
This is manuka honey from New Zealand. There are several grading systems and this equates to MGO 250+. This is a “medium grade” manuka honey and the manufacturer includes a code that can be used to trace your honey to the hive that it came from. Manuka Honey Organic does a great job of comparing the various grading systems of manuka honey.

Deals on manuka honey come around a handful of times a year and I think that this is a really good price. I would not be surprised if this coupon did not last very long. If you are looking for normal honey, Amazon currently has a great price on Nature Nate’s 100% Pure, Raw & Unfiltered Honey; 32oz. Squeeze Bottle.
If you are looking for more potent manuka honey, Steens UMF 15 Manuka Honey (MGO 514) 8.8 Ounce Jar is available for $19.99 after using coupon code 50Tastings.