Amazing Grass Greens & Shrooms Booster, 30 Servings, for $5.88-$6.92
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Amazing Grass Greens & Shrooms Booster, 30 Servings, is on sale from Amazon for $5.88-$6.92. This was $10.42 before the price started to drop. It is $6.92 without Amazon Subscribe and Save. Using Amazon Subscribe and Save brings the price down to $5.88-$6.57.
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- Supports health and wellness with dark leafy greens and a blend of Cordyceps, Reishi, Shitake, Maitake, and Turkey Tail Mushrooms
- Nutrition: 1 teaspoon = 1 cup greens powder + functional mushrooms
- Add to your favorite smoothie recipe for a nutritious boost
- USDA certified Organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, plant-based
- Combines farm fresh greens with six functional mushrooms