Orgain Organic Peanut Butter Protein Bar, 12 Count, for $10.28-$12.28
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Lowest ever Amazon price on Orgain Organic Peanut Butter Protein Bar, 12 Count, for 10.28-$12.28. They are $12.28 without Amazon Subscribe and Save. Using it brings the price to $10.28-$11.48 These were selling for $23.00 before the price started to gradually drop.
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- Includes 12 Orgain Organic Chocolate Peanut Butter Simple Protein Bars
- 12 grams of organic plant based protein, 6 grams of dietary fiber from wholesome ingredients such as organic dates and chia, made with simple and clean ingredients
- USDA organic, vegan, non dairy, gluten free, lactose free, soy free, kosher, non GMO, free of all artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives
- A perfect way to supplement your daily diet and nutritional needs and a healthy way to curb cravings and hunger. Complements Orgain’s shakes and powders, enjoy alongside your favorite smoothies
- Ideal for healthy, on the go nutrition for men, women, and kids. These are great for meal replacement, office snacks, on the go breakfast or lunch, buildin grams lean muscle, muscle recovery, and pre or post workouts